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First Grade Online Learning--Added 5/4

We loved seeing you all on Sunday! For next week, we'd like you to watch the short video "We Are Family", which is an adaptation of a Jewish folktale, and then answer the questions on the discussion guide. We can't wait to share our answers next Sunday!

We Are Family Video

We Are Family Discussion Guide

In addition, here are some fun videos you can share with your whole family that tie in with our learning about important Jewish Americans (some of whom became Israelis). We've also got a really fun map of Israel filled with short videos that teach you all about the people and places that make up the country.

Xavier Riddle Meets Golda Meir (start at the 13 minute mark)

Xavier Riddle Meets Harry Houdini (start at the 13 minute mark)

Get To Know Israel!

First Grade Online Learning--Added 3/26

We loved seeing so many of you during our online class! We hope you enjoy sharing the materials your teachers have put together with your families and we can't wait to see you all again next week!

Instructions for the Seder Plate Craft

Seder Plate Craft

10 Plague Instructions

10 Plagues Activity

Writing the Hebrew Letters We Have Learned

Matching Activity

First Grade Online Learning--Added 3/17

Below are links to several Hebrew activity sheets that our first graders can work on. There are also links to an alef bet video and a four questions sing along. Finally, there's an activity that reminds our students about all the famous Jewish Americans they've been learning about.




Shalom Sesame Alef Bet Video

Four Questions Sing Along

Who Am I?

First Grade

Updated 2/21/20

The first grade began 2020 with a new unit: Jewish-American heroes. We learned about Harry Houdini (Erich Weiss born in Hungary) who is known as the great escape artist. Next was Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG), known for her dissents. She was followed by Levi Strauss, a peddler who found the famous jean company. The students are keeping their impressions (written and artistic) in notebooks they decorated.

We moved forward in Hebrew studying our first vowel. The class worked together in grasping the idea that the vowel symbol is found beneath letters. We continued our study with the letter mem for matzah, mezuzah, and mitzvah. Speaking of Hebrew, the class is continuing to participate in Kehilla T’fillah and reciting a blessing before snack.

The class welcomed Tu B’Shevat, the Israeli celebration for planting trees, with a modified Tu B’Shevat Seder. The students tasted various fruits, such as figs, dates, and raisins then rated their preferences; raisins were the favorite. We also created colorful trees using card stock, which are displayed outside our classroom. Music was also included in the celebration with songs about trees.

Our study of Israel continued with “Modern Israel,” exploring the cities, country’s money, and modes of transportation.

Next month we look forward to celebrating Purim; continuing with Jewish-American heroes, Israeli studies, Hebrew letters; and participating in Kehilla T’fillah and music.


November was another busy month for the first grade. After learning about Beresheet last month, we delved into the story of Noah and the Ark. We learned about the meaning of the rainbow (keshert) as Noah’s family and the animals left the ark. Parents: see our class interpretations of rainbows outside our classroom.

The students continued their Hebrew studies with the letter shin for shabbat, shofar, and shalom. We also had fun with “alef-bet yoga” using our bodies to form the letters. Our expose to Hebrew was expanded in music with the song “My Family” (Meshpacha), including mother (ima), father (abba), grandma (savta), grandpa (sabba), as well as “David Melech Yisroel,” with the hand movements.

We began our study of Israel with an introduction of the geography, climate, and cities, along with the Let’s Discover Israel series “Our Homeland.”

Two upcoming holidays, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah were also on our agenda. The students expressed either what they are thankful for or which Thanksgiving food is their favorite through drawings. We also had a lively discussion about Hanukkah facts.

Next month we will learn more about the history of Hanukkah; work on a holiday project and try our luck at spinning the dreidel; continue our Hebrew; learn more about Israel; meet in our Kehilla T’fillah; and sing along with Moreh Josh.

October/November 2019

This month the first grade continued discussing the fall holidays. The students shared goals to meet for Yom Kippur. We also reviewed the meaning of Sukkot: why we build a sukkah and what we can do in them (sleep, eat, decorate). Speaking of decorating, we made windsocks to hang in a sukkah. We also discussed Simchat Torah, the completion of reading the Torah for the year: dancing with the Torah and carrying flags. Before we participated in the Torah “unroll,” Mrs. Beland Ackerman gave us a bird’s eye view of what is inside the scroll, how it is written, what makes it kosher, and why we can’t touch the parchment.

Using our Hebrew workbooks, the class studied the letters bet: (bayit (house) baruch (blessed)) and tav: (Torah, todah (thanks), and talmed (boy student, and talmedah (girl student)). During Kehilla T’filiah we are practice our Hebrew prayers and enjoy the Halleluyah Chorus (Hodu Hashem). We really like music and had fun singing a repertoire of Sukkot songs.

Future plans include studying Torah portions; continuing with Hebrew letters; learning about Israel; meeting in the sanctuary; and enjoying music.

September 2019

The first grade got off to a great start for 2019. After introducing themselves through an ice breaker, the class helped write our list of promises (class rules), which students and teachers signed. We met with the Kindergarten in the sanctuary for Kehilla T’fillah, our service that includes havdalah and morning prayers. We had a lively discussion about Rosh Hashana, reviewed some of the Hebrew letters; and sang songs with Moreh Josh, including the “sounds of the shofar.”

Next month we will continue discussing the holidays, including projects related to them; study Hebrew letters with our workbooks; sing more songs during music; meet in the sanctuary for Kehilla T’tfillah; and learn about Israel.

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784