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The seven week period of the Omer connecting Passover and Shavuot is almost over and we are looking forward to celebrating Shavuot with you on Tuesday night, Wednesday and Thursday, June 11-13. Join us for learning and prayer.

On This Page:

Tikkun Leil Shavuot | Shavuot Schedule | Food Drive

Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Tuesday, June 11, 8:00pm

Shavuot celebrates the receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and in our excitement for this defining moment, we stay up late (but not too late) studying Torah and eating cheesecake. This year, come study the Ten Commandments with our ten amazing teachers:

  1. Becky Weiss
  2. Moira Jones
  3. Aviva Walls
  4. Halli Weiner
  5. Melanie Eisen
  6. Rabbi Kalender
  7. Rabbi Bedo
  8. Neil Epstein
  9. Cary Schwartzbach
  10. Debra Ackerman

Shavuot Schedule

Tuesday, June 11 | Erev Shavuot

8:00pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot & Ma'ariv
8:16pm Candle Lighting

Wednesday, June 12 | Shavuot Day 1

9:30am Shavuot Service
10:00am Youth Services
9:15pm Ma'ariv
9:17pm Candle Lighting

Thursday, June 13 | Shavuot Day 2

9:30am Shavuot Service including Yizkor and Megillat Ruth
9:15pm Ma'ariv

Shavuot Food Drives

Olam Tikvah Preschool
Through Friday, May 31

OT Preschool is collecting non-perishable food items for Shavuot. Please bring foods like pasta, tuna, peanut butter, canned fruits or veggies, oatmeal or cereal, to donate to a local food bank.

Power Pack Program
Through Tuesday, June 11

Through the end of the Fairfax County Public School academic year, Olam Tikvah is collecting items for a summer Power Pack event to supplement the extra food needed by local students who experience food scarcity. Please donate entrees and individual drinks in the main lobby donation bench. Click here for a list of needed items or to make a monetary donation.

Sat, December 14 2024 13 Kislev 5785