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The month of Elul​ is the final month of the Jewish year, leading up to the High Holidays​. Elul ​awakens us to the possibilities of the coming year and provides time for preparation and reflection. Join us throughout the month from August 17 to September 15 for social, educational and volunteer opportunities and more.

May we all have a Shana Tovah u'Metukah, a good and sweet New Year.

Shofar | Havruta Study | Stream Cleanup | Additional Events


Throughout the month of Elul, the call of the shofar awakens us to the approaching New Year. Hear the shofar in person every Sunday at 9:00am and Wednesday at 8:30am during Elul at our Shacharit services.

Singing Through Teshuvah: Elul Havruta Study

Olam Tikvah is excited to participate this year in Project Zug (, a program of Hadar empowering Jews to take ownership over their learning through one-on-one havruta (partner) learning.

Our topic will be "Singing Through Teshuvah: A High Holiday Sonic Journey." During the High Holiday season, we have the opportunity to elevate, underscore, and even complicate our most iconic pieces of liturgy through the lens of song. You will be provided with four study materials to study with your partner over the course of four weeks. Your study materials will feature text and musical sources, so that you are not only learning in havruta, but also listening in havruta.

Register here by Monday, August 14, to participate in this opportunity to prepare for the High Holidays during the month of Elul. You will be paired with a havruta study partner following the close of registration. You and your assigned havruta will coordinate study sessions together.

In addition to your havruta study, this course includes two optional live, online lectures with course instructor, Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz, which will open and close our learning and connect us with the worldwide Project Zug community. The links to the lectures will be sent closer to the lecture dates. Lecture recordings will be available to participants following each lecture.

  • Opening Lecture: Tuesday, August 22, 7:00pm ET
  • Closing Lecture: Tuesday, September 12, 7:00pm ET

If you have any questions about Project Zug or havruta study, please email Erin Dreyfuss.


Stream Cleanup

Sunday, September 10, 10:00am-12:00pm

Olam Tikvah is proud to participate with Jewish communities around the world in the largest Jewish aquatic restoration project. Elul is a season of preparation and reflection and we take this time to prepare not only ourselves, but our world, for a new year.

Join Olam Tikvah's Green Initiative, Sisterhood, Men's Club and Social Action Committee to clean up Accotink Creek.


Engage in All Our Elul Events

Elul extends the High Holidays forward in time, giving us opportunities to engage with each other and prepare for the High Holidays. Engage with this time of reflection and growth at OT by joining us for all the programs below.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784